Welcome to the online home of Zoar Baptist Church!

This website is here to assist you in learning more about our church, and to help you in taking the next steps to get plugged-in here at ZBC. No matter where you are or what season of life you are in, you are welcome here. Here at Zoar Baptist Church you will get the chance to experience a family like atmosphere that you won’t forget. It is our prayer that the moment you walk through our church doors you will feel welcomed and loved. Please browse our website at your leisure, and send us any questions you may have through the contact us section of our website.


We look forward to seeing you soon!

Sunday Gatherings


Sunday School – 9:30AM

Morning Worship – 10:30AM

Evening Worship – 6:00PM


Wednesday Gatherings


Kids4Truth Clubs - 6:45PM

Middle / High School Life Group  – 7:00PM

Adult Life Groups – 7:00PM

Thursday Gatherings


Life Groups – 7:00PM